About Me

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Montego Bay, Saint James, Jamaica
A twenty-something girl trying to navigate through her quarter-life crisis and managing to find joy in the journey

Friday, January 28, 2011

So much to do... so little time pt .1

My final year in university-challenging, exciting, bittersweet . it seems as if there are a million things to be done in less than a million minutes(only approx. 131400!). After so many years of having things done for/ handed to me, now it was all up to me to get everything done.

Having made the decision to pursue a career in IT and not really possessing technical skills like my fellow 'techies' , I have about 6 months to get up to par and achieve some level of proficiency in web design, photoshop, C+, .Net, troubleshooting and to increase my knowledge of Visual Basic and Java.

On top of that I only have 3 wks to plan a luanch for my school's MIS Society of which I'm VP (woot woot); 2 wks to co-ordinate a team to complete a project - constructing a network system for a business- oh yeah I'm project manager!; get a+ in all my courses this semester to help bring up my GPA.

In addition, I'm faced with the final year dilemma - whether to enter the corporate world or apply to graduate school. I'll just have to leave that along with all my plans and obligations in God's hands :)

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