About Me

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Montego Bay, Saint James, Jamaica
A twenty-something girl trying to navigate through her quarter-life crisis and managing to find joy in the journey

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bye bye Gabby

Tonight my lovebird was killed by a huge rat. Somehow this monster got into the cage which was hanging and broke the neck of my fave of 4 birds. I believe she was trying to protect her eggs which resulted in her dying a gruesome death at the teeth of that bastard. Her mate is so traumatised and depressed. He's looking at me as if I'm a stranger :( I don't know about anybody else but I treat my pets like children so I was seriously hollering when I heard the bad news.I didn't look at her as I don't want the last memory of my beloved to be a bloody, gory one. My heart literally aches as I imagine how scared she was and think about the fact that I just gave her some fresh water and sang a lullaby (lame i know lol). R.I.P Gabrielle Willacy April 6 2009(not d.o.b but date i got her)- February 2 2011.
Foreground: Gabrielle; Back: Rhian , her mate

A New Lifestyle

 Just like everyone else, a healthy lifestyle- balanced diet, exercise, less stress- was at the top of my new year's resolution list. Yesterday proved to be some motivation for me to atually start this new lifestyle. For the last 2 semesters, my Tuesdays comprised of a 3/4 hour class from 8 in the a.m. and another from 2 to 5. So basically, I had to wait until 9:30 to buy an unhealthy, grogginess-causing, heartburn-afflicting breakfast, then for the next class I would only buy a snack and wash it down with the very sugary tang-tasting Tropicana in an attempt to prevent or counteract any tiredness.
 This routine left me with acid reflux, a headache and the dreaded "3:30" feeling. My attentiveness and alertness went down to almost 0 resulting in my missing half of the lecture.
 Although my breakfast wasn't healthy at all, yesterday morning I had a patty and cocobread (or folding bread for those West Indians who perceive the former as vulgar) with unsweetened coconut water. For my second 'meal', I had some Cheers (Caribbean's alternative to M&Ms ) and water. Surprisingly, albeit tiredness set in due to lack of rest, by 3 I was still alert , fresh and energised. I was able to do my class exercise without any brain-blocks!
 I can just imagine how much more wonderful i'll feel when I begin a nutritional balanced diet and exercise regimen. Nothing will be able to stop me now! Look out world, here I come!